comment_status) or ('comment' == $post-> comment_type) )) { wp_enqueue_script('k2comments'); } ?> > <?php // Page or Single Post if ( ( is_page() and !is_front_page() and !is_home() ) or is_single() ) { the_title(); // Category Archive } elseif ( is_category() ) { printf( __('Category Archive for ‘%s’','k2_domain'), single_cat_title('', false) ); // Tag Archive } elseif ( function_exists('is_tag') and function_exists('single_tag_title') and is_tag() ) { printf( __('Tag Archive for ‘%s’','k2_domain'), single_tag_title('', false) ); // General Archive } elseif ( is_archive() ) { printf( __('%s Archive','k2_domain'), wp_title('', false) ); // Search Results } elseif ( is_search() ) { printf( __('Search Results for ‘%s’','k2_domain'), attribute_escape(get_search_query()) ); } // Insert separator for the titles above if ( !is_front_page() and !is_home() and !is_404() ) { _e(' at ','k2_domain'); } // Finally the blog name bloginfo('name'); ?>