','after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

')); } // Check if there's a style, and if so if it has an attached PHP file if(($scheme = get_option('k2scheme')) != '') { $scheme_data = get_style_data($scheme); if($scheme_data['php'] && file_exists($scheme_data['php'])) { include_once($scheme_data['php']); } } } function install($last_modified) { global $wp_version; // Add / update the version number if(get_option('k2version') === false) { add_option('k2version', K2_CURRENT, 'This option stores K2\'s version number'); } else { update_option('k2version', K2_CURRENT); } // Add / update the last modified timestamp if(get_option('k2lastmodified') === false) { add_option('k2lastmodified', $last_modified, 'This option stores K2\'s last application modification. Used for version checking'); } else { update_option('k2lastmodified', $last_modified); } if(get_option('k2active') === false) { add_option('k2active', 0, 'This option stores if K2 has been activated'); } else { update_option('k2active', 0); } // Create support folders for WordPressMU if(K2_MU) { if(!is_dir(ABSPATH . UPLOADS . 'k2support/')) { wp_mkdir_p(ABSPATH . UPLOADS . 'k2support/'); } if(!is_dir(K2_STYLES_PATH)) { wp_mkdir_p(K2_STYLES_PATH); } if(!is_dir(K2_HEADERS_PATH)) { wp_mkdir_p(K2_HEADERS_PATH); } } // Call the install handlers do_action('k2_install'); } function uninstall() { global $wpdb; // Activate the default Wordpress theme so as not to re-install K2 update_option('template', 'default'); update_option('stylesheet', 'default'); do_action('switch_theme', 'Default'); // Call the uninstall handlers do_action('k2_uninstall'); // Delete options delete_option('k2active'); delete_option('k2lastmodified'); delete_option('k2version'); // Remove the K2 options from the database // This is a catch-all $cleanup = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE 'k2%'"); // Flush the dang cache wp_cache_flush(); // Go back to the themes page header('Location: themes.php'); exit; } function theme_switch() { update_option('k2active', 0); do_action('k2_deactivate'); } function register_scripts() { // Unload the bundled jQuery wp_deregister_script('jquery'); wp_deregister_script('interface'); // Register jQuery wp_register_script('jquery', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/js/jquery.js.php', false, '1.2.1'); wp_register_script('interface', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/js/jquery.interface.js.php', array('jquery'), '1.2'); // Register our scripts with WordPress, version is Last Changed Revision wp_register_script('k2functions', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/js/k2.functions.js.php', array('jquery'), '223'); wp_register_script('k2rollingarchives', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/js/k2.rollingarchives.js.php', array('jquery', 'k2slider', 'k2trimmer'), '224'); wp_register_script('k2livesearch', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/js/k2.livesearch.js.php', array('jquery'), '262'); wp_register_script('k2slider', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/js/k2.slider.js.php', array('jquery'), '262'); wp_register_script('k2comments', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/js/k2.comments.js.php', array('jquery'), '216'); wp_register_script('k2trimmer', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/js/k2.trimmer.js.php', array('jquery', 'k2slider'), '247'); wp_register_script('k2sbm', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/js/k2.sbm.js.php', array('jquery', 'interface'), ''); } function get_styles() { return K2::files_scan(K2_STYLES_PATH, 'css', 2); } function include_all($dir_path, $ignore = false) { // Open the directory $dir = @dir($dir_path) or die('Could not open required directory ' . $dir_path); // Get all the files from the directory while(($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { // Check the file is a file, and is a PHP file if(is_file($dir_path . $file) and (!$ignore or !in_array($file, $ignore)) and preg_match('/\.php$/i', $file)) { require_once($dir_path . $file); } } // Close the directory $dir->close(); } function files_scan($path, $ext = false, $depth = 1, $relative = true) { $files = array(); // Scan for all matching files K2::_files_scan($path, '', $ext, $depth, $relative, $files); return $files; } function _files_scan($base_path, $path, $ext, $depth, $relative, &$files) { if (!empty($ext)) { if (!is_array($ext)) { $ext = array($ext); } $ext_match = implode('|', $ext); } // Open the directory if(($dir = @dir($base_path . $path)) !== false) { // Get all the files while(($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { // Construct an absolute & relative file path $file_path = $path . $file; $file_full_path = $base_path . $file_path; // If this is a directory, and the depth of scan is greater than 1 then scan it if(is_dir($file_full_path) and $depth > 1 and !($file == '.' or $file == '..')) { K2::_files_scan($base_path, $file_path . '/', $ext, $depth - 1, $relative, $files); // If this is a matching file then add it to the list } elseif(is_file($file_full_path) and (empty($ext) or preg_match('/\.(' . $ext_match . ')$/i', $file))) { $files[] = $relative ? $file_path : $file_full_path; } } // Close the directory $dir->close(); } } function move_file($source, $dest, $overwrite = false) { return K2::_copy_or_move_file($source, $dest, $overwrite, true); } function copy_file($source, $dest, $overwrite = false) { return K2::_copy_or_move_file($source, $dest, $overwrite, false); } function _copy_or_move_file($source, $dest, $overwrite = false, $move = false) { // check source and destination folder if ( file_exists($source) and is_dir(dirname($dest)) ) { // destination is a folder, assume move to there if ( is_dir($dest) ) { if ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != substr($dest, -1) ) $dest .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dest = $dest . basename($source); } // destination file exists if ( is_file($dest) ) { if ($overwrite) { // Delete existing destination file @unlink($dest); } else { // Find a unique name $dest = K2::get_unique_path($dest); } } if ($move) { if ( rename($source, $dest) ) return $dest; } else { if ( copy($source, $dest) ) return $dest; } } return false; } function get_unique_path($source) { $source = pathinfo($source); $path = trailingslashit($source['dirname']); $filename = $source['filename']; $ext = $source['extension']; $number = 0; while ( file_exists($path . $filename . ++$number . $ext) ); return $path . sanitize_title_with_dashes($filename . $number) . $ext; } } ?>