get_var("SELECT cat_name from $wpdb->categories WHERE cat_ID = $asides_id LIMIT 1") : __('No Asides','k2_domain'); // Get the categories we might use for asides $asides_cats = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT cat_ID, cat_name FROM $wpdb->categories"); // Update $update = K2Header::update(); // Get the current K2 header picture $header_picture = get_option('k2header_picture'); // Check that the header path is there $is_header_dir = is_dir(K2_HEADERS_PATH); // Get the header pictures $picture_files = $is_header_dir ? K2::files_scan(K2_HEADERS_PATH, array('gif','jpg','png'), 1) : array(); ?>



' . __('Arnaud Froment\'s Extended Live Archives','k2_domain') . ''); ?>


' . __('Read more','k2_domain') . '.' ); ?>

Custom Image Header panel to upload, crop and customize the header.','k2_domain'); } ?>

The directory: %s, needed to store custom headers is missing.

For you to be able to customize your header, you need to add this directory and chmod 777 it, to make it writable.

','k2_domain'), K2_HEADERS_PATH ); ?>
disabled="disabled" />