This is a very simple demo app using the FB3lite micro-framework. fbx_Switch.cfm is the file you want to crack open and take a look at, as it's the centerpoint of any FB3lite app. The primary design goals of FB3lite are: * be unapologetically procedural * to provide useful tools for layout composition * to be as unobtrusive as possible * to provide minimal methodoligical constraint The framework provides 'do' and 'include' UDFs for do-ing another fuseaction and for including a file from the filesystem. Both happen inline, in the same variables scope as the main request. They both support an optional second param which is a variable name to store the generated output in (always appending if the variable already exists). Both UDFs are completely optional if you'd prefer to use standard CFINCLUDE and CFMODULE tags. I happen to like the freedom XFAs provide when I don't have a mod_rewrite-capable environment, so the demo app uses an XFA for it's form action. Given a choice, I'd rather use "pretty" urls and let mod_rewrite convert them into a query param for me, and use those pretty URLs directly in the app (moving the url abstraction layer up to the web server). Again, this is complete optional. The framework exposes a couple configuration parameters that can be controlled simply by setting them inside index.cfm, before the include to the framework file. If you don't need any customization (the demo app does not), then your entrance file will be nothing except a single CFINCLUDE tag. It need not be named index.cfm; you can call it whatever you like, and combined with the 'appSearchPath' configuration parameter (which dictates where the framework should look for fbx_Switch), you can easily expose several apps as different files within the same directory. Or if you want really simple, just use the core file as your index.cfm and be done with it. The project homepage can be found here: Barney Boisvert