CFGroovy Installation

#server.coldFusion.productName# #server.railo.version# #server.coldFusion.productVersion# on Java #System.getProperty("java.version")# (from #System.getProperty("java.vendor")#) on (#server.os.arch#)

CFGroovy Unsupported!!

CFGroovy only works on Railo 3, Open BlueDragon 1.0+, ColdFusion 8.0.1 and Centaur (CF9 beta). Railo 2, ColdFusion 8.0 and Open BlueDragon's pre-1.0 releases have classloader issues that prevent it from working.

CFGroovy Supported!!

Installing CF Groovy is a simple two step process:

  1. Drop groovy-all-x.y.z.jar from the groovyEngine directory into your /WEB-INF/lib folder.
  2. Restart your web container (Tomcat, Jetty, Resin, JRun, etc.).

I've heard from a couple people that you may need a CF Mapping pointing "/cfgroovy" at either the "groovyEngine" or the "demo" directory. I've not needed this myself, but YMMV.

Hibernate Unsupported!!

CFGroovy's Hibernate does not work if another version of Hibernate 3 is already available to the server. Centaur prerelease and JBoss 4.0.3+ both fall into this category. I've been unable to find a way to defeat this limitation outside of Hibernate itself.

Hibernate Supported!!

Your system supports the CFGroovy Hibernate integration.

Demo DSN Missing!!

To run the Hibernate demos, you need to create a DSN in the server admin named "cfgroovydemo". It should point to an empty database, and the user should have sufficient privileges to create and alter tables, columns, indexes, and keys. The database must be one of those that Hibernate supports, which is basically everything.

Demo DSN Found!!

You're ready to run the Hibernate demos as well as the Groovy-only ones.

The latest code can always be obtained from Subversion:

Also check the project homepage at for updates and information.